4iR Meets Business Closing Date 05/02/2025


PRISCILLA CHAMANE For Miss Bachelorette South Africa 2022

Good day my name is Nosifiso Priscilla Chamane an Award winning business woman born and raised in Tongaat, a firm and strong believer in 'a helping hand is greater than the receiver ' I was raised through this philosophy. As an individual I have tried my best to be of help in any form. And as a businesswoman I have created a platform so big that it lends out the help I strongly live by at a greater scale.

My drive and passion started back in 2007 when I won the title Miss Rosebank College (Durban branch), the cause behind this initiative was to raise funds to pay for students tertiary needs , the passion and motivation has always been self taught. It is no secret that living in the 21st century has upgraded our way of Interaction and being received through social media platforms. 

My journey through life has had many challenges  but my dreams are Too big to give up on.

I went through  many short courses in my early 20s made alot of mistakes , but in my early 30s my breakthrough came about. 

Two years ago my baby was born that is 

Ubuhle Bendalo Boutique Spa an establishment that caters to one's therapeutic needs we offer body treatments, hair and nailsbas well pamper events which include a Mobile services 

It has recently received the COMMUNITY BUILDER OF THE YEAR AWARD with Sebenza Womens Award, it is nominated for the Hospitality Catergory at the KZN Youth Business Awards 2021 as well made it to the Top 10 shortlisting nomination at Mlwazet Bavundulule Awards 2021.

It is one business that has helped in over 30 women in the of this  2years in the form of jobs and bursaries helping them train as Beauty Therapists at no cost. 

I have created jobs and provided a skill that will forever carry on in our students journey through becoming employable or self employed. 

In the past we started a donation drive &  i have donated cosmetic essentials, clothing items and sanitary pads through the help and funding of @Ubuhlebendaloboutiquespa as well @KasieTaste Ballito.

I am happy to have in my recent events been able to use Kasie Taste - Ballito (a business i am a partner to) to keep the strong and hard working women / vendors in and around Ballito beaches fed, with a warm hearty breakfast drive i have yet again started every week.  

My goal is to reach the entire North Coast Region heading towards Tongaat this coming week and keeping it consistent. 

In saying so my highlights of 2021 was being recently sashed one of the  Top 16  Miss Bacholerete South Africa Finalist to a project no different in their vision from mine  , as a KZN representative , I aim to fly Tongaat (my Hometown) &  Ballito ( my new home)'s Flag High. Through non profit campaigns and drives that focus on helping schools, organizations and projects in need.

What I love about the project is their vision and goal in helping and creating independence in women to be financially stable , mature , beautiful. So that they do not stay in abusive relationships. Too many talented,  intelligent women become victims because they are seeking validation in love relationships.

With this journey I aim to uplift , empower and inspire younger women. Create an awareness on femicide and GBV

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