A short film written by Phiwinhlanhla Nxumalo, directed by Fisokuhle Mthembu and produced by Muziwamandla Ncube with the assistance of Nkuluworld The film is base in Mhlabuyalingana specifically e-MBAZWANA and MSELENI AREA.
Actors and Crew are from Mhlabuyalingana as we aim to bring filming business to life in this area hence we have a lot of stories to tell.
4 Years ago Ndlovenamandla Ncube a father of two sons and daughter before he passed away, he asked one of his son Siqhwaga to share the inheritance to Sdikadika who was in jail that time , but Siqhwaga decided otherwise as his name implies , that is the Background of the story The story begins when Siqhwaga’s young brother Sdikadika is released for end of his Jail time.
Sdikadika asked for what rightfully belongs to him as he knew that his father always talks about sharing the inheritance but Siqhwaga denied and refused to give Sdikadika his share of inheritance , that when Sdikadika started to fight for his share . Sdikadika retaliance was very harsh and brutally in a way that everyone who was in Siqhwaga’s side got affected by Sdikadika’s actions.